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Hezbollah continues getting arms from Syria, Iran: U.S.
POSTED: 11:26 a.m. EDT, April 19,2007

A senior U.S. said here on Wednesday that Lebanon's Hezbollah is still getting arms from Syria and Iran, and mounted a growing campaign to overthrow Lebanon's legitimate, elected government.

Addressing a Congressional panel, Assistant Secretary of State David Welch said that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has reported that Israel had provided to the UN detailed intelligence which indicates "serious breaches of the arms embargo across the Lebanese-Syrian border."

"It is clear in (Ban's) judgment, and it is clear in our own independent (judgment) that Hezbollah continues to rearm and we can see no other source for such assistance than Syria or Iran," said Welch, the top State Department official for the Middle East.

The United States is encouraging the Lebanese army and United Nations peacekeeping force deployed in Lebanon to take a more assertive role in stopping smuggling, Welch said.

In addition, Welch also accused Hezbollah of campaigning, with Syria's support, to overthrow the Lebanese government led by Prime Minister Fuad Siniora. Both Syria and Iran always deny U.S. charges.

Hezbollah, an armed Shiite Muslim movement with its 20,000- strong militia, has been fighting a cross-border guerrilla war with Israel. It will not be taken off U.S. terrorist list anytime soon, U.S. officials say.

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