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IAEA chief sees no immediate danger of military action against Iran
POSTED: 5:05 p.m. EDT, April 15,2007

Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Mohamed ElBaradei sees no immediate danger of military action against Iran, the Doha-based al-Jazeera television reported on Saturday.

ElBaradei told the television station that he does not expect the use of force "at this juncture," though he is not "100 percent" sure this will not happen.

He said the issue of military action must be taken to the UN Security Council after all diplomatic efforts are exhausted, adding that there is still "enough time" for talks.

ElBaradei arrived in Amman Saturday for a three-day visit. He was scheduled to hold talks with Jordan's King Abdullah II, Prime Minister Marouf Bakhet and other Jordanian top officials on a nuclear program for peaceful purposes.

The Energy Ministry of Jordan is working on details of a project to acquire and operate a nuclear reactor by 2015.

Jordan is the third leg of ElBaradei's Middle East trip, which has already taken him to Saudi Arabia and Oman.

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