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U.S. says Iran must give up enrichment before bilateral talks
POSTED: 11:18 a.m. EDT, April 5,2007

The United States reiterated on Wednesday that it will not deal directly with Iran unless it gives up sensitive uranium enrichment work.

"Iran can have a full set of discussions with the United States on any subject it wishes if it complies with the basic requirements of UN Security Council resolutions," State Department deputy spokesman Tom Casey told reporters.

In response to Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's remarks that Tehran could reconsider its relations with Washington if the Bush Administration changes its policy against Iran, Casey said "The behavior that needs to change is the Iranians, not the United States."

On Monday, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she would not rule out possibility to have bilateral meeting with Iran if Tehran agrees to suspend enrichment of uranium.

In late February, Rice said she was prepared to meet her counterpart or an Iranian representative at any time if Iran would suspend its enrichment and reprocessing activities.

Previously, Rice has said she would meet with Iran only in a multilateral context, along with other nations dealing with Iran over its nuclear ambitions.

The United States has been accusing Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons under the cover of a civilian program. Iran always denies the charges.

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