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Violence rages in Iraq, FM warns of a civil war if U.S. troops leave
POSTED: 8:37 a.m. EDT, July 10,2007
Insurgency and sectarian violence raged the Iraqi capital on Monday while Iraqi foreign minister warned of a civil war if the U.S. troops make a quick withdrawal from Iraq.

On the ground, a series of car bombs, roadside bombs and gunfire killed 32 Iraqis and wounded 73 others, most of them in Baghdad on Monday.

Meanwhile, the U.S. military said that one of its soldiers was killed and three others wounded in a suicide car bomb attack in west of Baghdad.

The attack took place on Sunday when the suicide car bomber struck a U.S. patrol during combat operations in the area, a military statement said.

The latest death brings the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq to more than 3,600 since the Iraq war broke out in March 2003,according to media count based on Pentagon figures.

Currently, there are over 150,000 U.S. troops in Iraq and the U.S. government was under continuous pressure since the war started in March 2003.

The Congress approved a war spending bill in late April which set a timetable to withdraw U.S. troops out of Iraq, but the bill was vetoed by U.S. President George W. Bush on May 1, the fourth anniversary of his "Mission Accomplished" speech, in which he declared on May 1 of 2003, that major combat operations in Iraq had ended.

In late June, Democratic leaders of the U.S. Congress said that they would keep pressuring President George W. Bush on a timetable for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said at a news conference that she would introduce legislation next month to authorize withdrawing American troops from Iraq within 120 days and to complete the withdrawal by April 1 of 2008.

However, the Iraqi government does not want to see such a quick pullout considering the situation in Iraq.

Insurgency, sectarian violence and daily gruesome finding of unidentified corpses which continued in the capital despite almost five months of major security plan staged by thousands of U.S. and Iraqi security forces in Baghdad and other Iraq cities.

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari on Monday warned that a rapid withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq would pull down the government and leave the country in a civil war.

"The dangers could be a civil war, dividing the country, regional wars and the collapse of the state," he told a news conference in Baghdad.

Zebari said that the United States has a responsibility to support the Iraqi government until its own forces are built. He also said that some 140,000 Turkish soldiers are on Iraq-Turkish border in northern Turkey.

"Turkey is building up forces on the border. There are 140,000soldiers fully armed on the border. We are against any military interference or violation of Iraqi sovereignty," Zebari said.

Zebari's comments came as Turkey was reportedly massing its troops to carry out cross-border military operations in northern Iraq to pursue the rebel Kurdish Workers Party (PKK).

He insisted that the problem with Turkey should be solved through dialogue, saying that "Turkey's fears are legitimate but such things can be discussed."

From: xinhua
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