www.jctrans.com 2008-9-12 14:41:00 锦程物流网
——世界首创“油改电”技术运用于CCT场桥改造 作为深圳港第二大集装箱码头,CCT在发展码头经济的同时,也注重社会效益,并已落实一系列改善码头周边环境的措施。其中,目前已进入试运行阶段的场桥“油改电”项目,是码头在打造“绿色港口”过程中的另一个大手笔。 场桥“油改电” 是将场桥的工作动力由柴油发电机组改为市电驱动的工程。由于柴油发电机组的能源有效利用率相对比较低、油耗大,对环境有较严重的噪音和废气污染,且后期维护成本高,因此,在全球倡导绿色环保及原油价格大幅飙升的背景下,集装箱码头机械“油改电”技术应运而生。 CCT首批参与“油改电”改造的场桥共有36台,全部采用世界首创的高架直流供电方案进行改造。与传统的电缆卷盘输电、高架滑触线和低架滑触线供电方式相比,此方案具有高级节能、有效减少设备故障、保证作业安全及不影响操作效率等优点。而市电的成本相对较低,价格相对稳定,也对场桥完成“油改电”之后降低运行成本,提高设备可靠性等方面提供了有力支持。首批改造的场桥正式投入使用后,将有效减少环境污染,预计每年能为码头节约成本约3000万元。 目前,首批参与改造的场桥已全部改造完毕,并进入试运行阶段。试运行过程中,CCT技术人员将根据设备实际运行情况,对改造工艺进行调整和完善,后续的改造工程将参照优化后的改造方案,分期完成公司的“节能减排”战略工程。(赤湾 / 吴丹) Green Harbour, goes along with Environmental Protection - Innovative “Oil – Electricty Conversion” technology applied on RTG Along with thriving economy, as the 2nd largest container terminal in Shenzhen, CCT has gained rapid development; meanwhile, CCT is also taking the social responsibility seriously by implementing the newest technologies in order to create a better environment around the port area. Oil to Electricity conversion of RTG is one of the most significant on-going projects. Oil - Electricity conversion of RTG means converting the power supply of RTG from diesel generator into electricity. Because of the diesel energy for RTG is difficult to be utilized efficiently, and that is causing a high energy consumption which results in exhaust emission, besides, the diesel engine is considered as a noise maker, and high-maintenance. Nowadays, environmental issues and sustainable development are increasingly taken seriously by the general publics, meanwhile the oil price keeps soaring, under the circumstance, CCT is implementing Oil – Electricity conversion technology. There are 36 of CCT’s RTGs took part in the conversion, adopting the innovative technology of overhead DC power supply. The new electrical RTGs will have the advantages of energy saving, low-pollution, and cost-effectiveness. Now, all the 36 RTGs put into trial after the conversion. CCT’s engineering personnel will keep finetuning the equipments based on the working process. The 2nd phase of the conversion will be accomplished with the most optimized solution in order to minimize the energy consumption and waste emission. |