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ADB to loan Vietnam to improve secondary education
POSTED: 1:17 p.m. EDT, April 17,2007

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will offer a loan of 34 million U.S. dollars to help Vietnam achieve universal quality secondary education and further inclusive social development.

Under an agreement signed between the ADB and the State Bank of Vietnam here Monday, the money will be used to help the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training upgrade teacher training to be more relevant and responsive to the demand from the growing market economy through a teacher development project.

Under the Upper Secondary and Professional Teacher Development Project with total investment of nearly 43.2 million dollars, the credit will also be spent on improving physical facilities of selected teacher training institutes in ethnic minority areas to expand access to disadvantaged groups.

The project, with reciprocal capital of 9.2 million dollars from the Vietnamese government, is due for completion in June 2012.

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