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Six trade nations propose year-end deadline for WTO deal
POSTED: 11:54 a.m. EDT, April 13,2007

Trade representatives from six member-nations of the World Trade Organization (WTO) have proposed to complete negotiations on a free trade treaty by the end of the year, a joint statement said here after their talks.

Ministers from Brazil, the European Union, India, the United States, Australia and Japan agreed after two days of talks here late Thursday to speed up their negotiations on farm and industrial goods and services to pave way for the treaty.

The WTO's Doha round of negotiations have been stalled over farm subsidies and market access between the rich and poor nations. The talks missed the last deadline of December 2006.

"We believe that by intensifying our work, we can reach convergence and thus contribute to concluding the round by the end of 2007," said the joint statement.

The meetings focused on agricultural subsidies and tariffs, measures to increase exports from the least-developed nations.

Although they have made some progress in narrowing their difference gaps, the meetings in New Delhi has not made any major breakthrough.

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