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China mulls enacting law to ensure examination security
POSTED: 0:54 p.m. EDT, April 10,2007

China is considering to enact a law for examination security as examination cheating widely exists, said an official with the Ministry of Education.

Dai Jiagan, director of the National Education Examination Authority (NEEA) under the Ministry of Education, said examination security is one of the most issues of concern among the Chinese people, as examination equality is the bottom line of social equality.

However, examination cheating is rampant and is becoming well-organized together with high-tech means.

The NEEA disclosed that police spotted eleven wireless communication vehicles outside a venue of national college entrance examination last summer. In the vehicles, some "qiangshou" -- persons employed to answer the exam papers for some students, were busy answering exam papers and launching the answer through mobile phones.

However, police did not know how to deal with the exam cheating organizers and the substitutes due to the law blank.

Exam papers of the national college entrance exam are regarded confidential documents, but there are no regulations on when they are declassified.

Therefore, some people easily took out the exam papers from the exam spots soon after the examination begins, as most people deem the exam papers are declassified automatically half an hour after the exam begins.

Not only in the national college entrance exam, cheating also widely exists in the country's other national exams, such as college English tests.

Facts prove that a law on examination security is urgently needed.

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