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Iran-EU nuclear talks churn out new ideas
POSTED: 10:38 a.m. EDT, April 27,2007

Iran's top nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani said here Thursday that his talks with EU Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana churned out new ideas on breaking the impasse over Iran's disputed nuclear program.

Larijani made the optimistic comments in an interview with the private CNN-Turk television channel, but he failed to elaborate the new ideas.

"I can't give exact details because time is needed to develop them (new ideas)," Larijani said, but adding that the ideas were positive and concrete.

Larijani also said another meeting on the nuclear issue would be held in two weeks, but he did not specify the location.

Earlier before Larijani and Solana resumed their talks, Larijani also said that the two sides were approaching "a united view," which is to settle all the issues through negotiation based on international rules and regulations.

On Wednesday, Larijani and Solana held two rounds of talks in the Turkish capital of Ankara over Iran's uranium enrichment program.

The UN Security Council has passed two resolutions, in December and March, urging Iran to halt all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities, which the United States considered as Iran's attempts to develop nuclear weapons under the cover of its civilian nuclear programs.

However, Iran has denied the accusation and shown no sign of yielding in the nuclear stand-off, saying its uranium enrichment has reached an industrial level and announcing its wishes to install over 50,000 uranium enriching centrifuges at a plant in Natanz.

Earlier this month, Ali Larijani has warned that Tehran could retreat from the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) if the international community imposes further pressure over its nuclear program.

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