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Mainland Strongly Opposes to Taiwan's WHO Bid
POSTED: 11:58 a.m. EDT, April 26,2007

The Chinese government has expressed its firm opposition to Taiwan authorities' bid to join the World Health Organization, or WHO, under the name of Taiwan, saying it constitutes an escalation of their secessionist activities on the international arena.

Spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, Yang Yi told a press conference Wednesday in Beijing that the Chinese mainland has always attached importance to safeguarding the rights of Taiwan compatriots in health issues and has been active in promoting cross-straits exchanges and cooperation in the health and medical care sectors.

Yang Yi said that in line with a memorandum of understanding reached between China's Ministry of Health and WHO, the Chinese mainland is supportive of medical and health experts from Taiwan participating in exchange activities organized by WHO.

So far, 23 Taiwan medical and health experts have taken part in such activities. The channel for Taiwan to obtain information and assistance from WHO has always been wide-open.

The spokesman notes only a sovereign state is entitled to join an UN organization. Taiwan, as part of China, is not eligible to become a member of WHO, nor can it participate as an observer in the World Health Assembly, the supreme decision-making body for WHO.

Yang Yi said the Taiwan authorities are manipulating the application for their secessionist purposes. Their activities are not for the sake of the rights of health for Taiwan residents. Their action has met with opposition both in Taiwan and around the world.

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