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Israel: Syria, Iran, Hezbollah preparing for war in summer
POSTED: 11:41 a.m. EDT, April 2,2007

Head of Israeli Military Intelligence Major General Amos Yadlin said Sunday that Syria, Iran and the Hezbollah are preparing for a war in the summer, local newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported.

"Their preparation is defensive ahead of war... They fear a war initiated by the Americans because they understand that there might be an attack against Iran over the summer, but not by Israel," Yadlin was quoted as telling the cabinet meeting.

According to Yadlin, his military intelligence estimates that Israel may also be involved in the war.

"We are closely following these preparations, for fear that one of the sides misinterprets certain moves in the region. I bring up the Six Day War in this context - when you reach a war no one is interested in as a result of the involvement of many players," he said.

Regarding Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), Yadlin said that Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haneya has warned that if the international financial embargo on Gaza is not lifted within three months, a third Intifada (uprising) will breakout.

There are senior Hamas members who are displeased with the Saudi Arabia-proposed Arab peace initiative and Hamas' military branch has renewed its activity, Yadlin added.

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