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No EU-Russia Talks Until Embargo Lifted
POSTED: 4:26 p.m. EDT, April 23,2007

Poland's Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski said Sunday that his government will not agree on negotiations between EU and Russia on a new agreement on cooperation and partnership as long as the question of embargo on Polish meat exports eastward is not solved.

Speaking in Wasilkow, north eastern Poland, the prime minister said that concessions from the part of the Polish government were out of the question, the Polish news agency PAP reported.

Addressing Polish TVP3 television on Sunday, Kaczynski said that his government will be patient and will persuade the EU to show patience.

He stressed that Poland wanted to persuade Russia that "the policy of embargo, the policy of pressure, the policy of dividing the EU is bound to fail."

On Sunday, the European Union failed to persuade Russia to end a ban on Polish meat after a two-day negotiation in Cyprus' southern coastal city of Limassol.

Russia imposed embargo on some Polish food produce in November 2005, blaming Poland of presenting false veterinary certificates.

Last November, Poland vetoed the launch of talks between the EU and Russia on a broad economic cooperation agreement because of the Russian embargo.

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