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Abbas-Olmert meeting tackled security related issues: Erekat
POSTED: 0:56 p.m. EDT, April 16,2007

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat revealed on Sunday that President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert discussed security related issues during their summit meeting.

Erekat made the remarks at a news conference held in Ramallah following the end of the Abbas-Olmert meeting held in Jerusalem earlier in the day.

Erekat, who attended the meeting, told the reporters that the meeting had tackled issued related to the security situation and the release of Palestinian prisoners in an exchange of the captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.

Among the issues were discussed between Abbas and Olmert are also the question of arms smuggling, the internal Palestinian security situation, the removal of roadblocks and barriers in the West Bank, he said.

"The construction of a sea port in the Gaza Strip and the reconstruction of Gaza Airport were among the issues were discussed by President Abbas and Premier Olmert," added Erekat.

According to the Palestinian official, Abbas and Olmert also agreed to meet again before the end of this month in the West Bank city of Jericho.

Erekat further revealed that the Abbas-Olmert Sunday meeting also focused on the regional peace, while Abbas stressed that the Arab peace initiative was important to the Palestinians.

"There is no contradiction between the Arab peace initiative, the Road Map and (U.S.) President (George W.) Bush vision ... All of them agree on ending the Israeli occupation that took place in 1967," Erekat said, adding "the meeting was to explore how to transfer President Bush vision of two states (Palestine and Israel) into a real political process."

Erekat also praised the Egyptian role in the talks between Israel and the Palestinian militants to swap a captive Israeli soldier for Palestinian prisoners, saying that Abbas and Olmert have talked about the captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.

At the end of the press conference, Erekat called on neighboring countries to support Palestinian security services with arms.

Olmert and Abbas began their summit meeting right after Abbas arrived at Olmert's residence at about 10:00 GMT, the first of their planned regular meetings that agreed during U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's Mideast regional visit last month.

Shortly after the first regular meeting, Baker told Xinhua that the meeting was "productive and positive", adding it could be possible that the next meeting between the two leaders will take place in Jericho.

During the Sunday meeting, Olmert raised a series of issues regarding Israel's security concern, including Palestinians' stopping of the Qassam rocket attacks against the southern Israeli communities, and weapon smuggling into the Gaza Strip, according to Baker.

Last month, Olmert and Abbas agreed to meet every two weeks along with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who joined the summit meeting during her regional tour, which was aimed at jumpstarting peace talks that have been largely stalled for six years.

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