Another Tanker and Cargo Vessel Software Supplier Targets Energy Sector


Star Information Systems (SIS), headquartered in Trondheim, has been providing fleet management software aboard ships including tankers, bulk cargo carriers, container ships and chemical and gas carriers for fifteen years but now the Norwegian company is using its experience of the technical requirements of ship and oil and gas rig clients to expand further into the Brazilian market.

SIS intends to take advantage of the ever growing energy market in the region to establish a new base in Rio de Janeiro to serve Brazil's thriving offshore sector which has been spurred by the discovery of huge oil and gas reserves in the country's pre-salt basin, opening up an array of opportunities for national and international offshore operators.

SIS has been servicing clients in the region for the past five years, but is now investing in a permanent office to ensure that its customers in the region get the best possible service from a dedicated, local team of five to six Brazilian based SIS professionals. As well as offshore, the recruits will also be focusing on the country's dynamic shipping sector.

Source: handyshippingguide
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