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Theft of export cargo at Chennai airport raises concerns
POSTED: 9:04 a.m. EDT, July 18,2007

The Airports Authority of India (AAI) is starting to crack down on theft from air cargo holding areas at airport by issuing a directive to all relevant agencies, after earlier raising the issue with the airlines.

This follows a recent case where four Air India cargo handlers were caught stealing 14 saris from an export consignment. The goods were being held in an air cargo terminal operated by Kerala State Industrial Enterprise (KSIE).

A report by The Hindu of Chennai said thieves had shifted from stealing from passenger luggage to focus on air cargo as authorities tightened baggage security.

Sources told the news agency that thefts took place while consignments lay along perishables in the "cooling room" that was cleared for export to the Arabian Gulf destinations.

Airport sources told the newspaper that export cargo loaded onto aircraft was not checked by security personnel. Exporters are still allowed to employ their own staff to load cargo, which violates the directive of the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security, which holds that such outside personnel should not be granted access to these "sterile" areas.

From: schednet
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