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US Vancouver port awarded US$5.4m green grant
POSTED: 8:58 a.m. EDT, June 12,2007
The Port of Vancouver, Washington state, has won recognition from the state's Department of Ecology for its work in groundwater cleanup efforts by receiving a grant of US$5.41 million.

"We're thrilled to have received this grant," said Patty Boyden, the port's director of environmental services.

"The money will go a long way in helping us continue to cleanup groundwater. The port is committed to meeting its responsibilities to the environment, and this grant is a part of [the department's] recognition of our commitment."

The funding will be paid to the port over the next two years and will help meet obligations under the agreed order with the Department of Ecology. The money will be used to install a groundwater cleanup system and continue monitoring the site. It will also help offset an estimated $36 million cleanup effort.

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