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TIACA elects new chairman, vice chairman
POSTED: 9:56 a.m. EDT, May 19,2007
THE International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) has elected a new chairman and new vice chairman for the body at its annual general meeting held in Cologne, Germany.

Jack Boisen, vice president of Cargo for Continental Airlines, has been appointed TIACA's new chairman for a two-year term. Mr Boisen will replace Gary Bartek, manager of cargo development at Kansas City International Airport as the new chairman of TIACA.

The position of vice chairman will be filled by Ulrich Ogiermann, the president and CEO of Cargolux Airlines International of Luxembourg.

Mr Boisen's career in the cargo transportation industry dates back to 1963. Some of his most notable appointments over the past four decades include working as a cargo shift manager and regional manager of labour relations for Trans World Airlines (TWA) during his 12 years with that company. This was followed with employment at Braniff Airways and Western Airlines as vice president of employee relations. In 1994, he joined Continental Airlines as vice president of cargo.

He has served on TIACA's board of directors for seven years as an expert and spokesman for air cargo security. He is chairman of the Air Cargo Council of the Air Transport Association, a member of the CNS advisory board and a member of the board of directors of the Postal Supply Council.

Ulrich Ogiermann began his aviation career with Lufthansa German Airlines in 1989. In 1991 he took over route management for South America for Lufthansa Cargo followed by two years as general manager for Cargo Southern Africa based in Johannesburg. He joined Cargolux Airlines in 1998 as senior vice president of sales and marketing, a TIACA statement said.

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