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Construction begins on Lianyungang Logistics Park
POSTED: 10:00 a.m. EDT, April 24,2007
WORK has recently begun on building the Lianyungang Zhongyuntai Logistics Park.

A report by Lianyungang Daily said the new logistics park will become the largest logistics bases in northern Jiangsu province once it is fully developed. Upcoming services are expected to include cargo distribution, storage, transiting, processing and trading

The park will cover a 22-square kilometre site within which the first phase of development will take place on 4.67 square kilometres, the report said.

It will be linked to the planned Port East highway, which has not been built yet, and 242 Provincial Highway, Yumen Road, and Banzhong Road.

Authorities also plan to apply for permission to set up a bonded logistics centre inside the logistics park in future, the report added.

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