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MSC Boxship Crew Abandons Ship
POSTED: 11:04 a.m. EDT, January 19,2007

The 26 crew of the UK-registered container ship "MSC Napoli" have abandoned ship this morning after issuing a distress call from a position 45n-miles off the Lizard peninsula, Southwest England, reports Fairlpay.

The vessel is in the French search and rescue region, and the incident is being handled by the French coastguard. 2 French helicopters and a tug are heading for the scene. UK's Maritime & Coastguard Agency has also been alerted, and a British tug and two Royal Navy helicopters are on their way.

The weather in the western approaches of the English Channel is reported to be south-westerly severe gale force 9 with 8-9 m swell. The MCA could not give any indication of what has caused the ship to be abandoned or whether any crew have been injured. A car carrier is reported to be standing by, but is unable to give further assistance.

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