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Air China to step up services on delayed flights
POSTED: 9:52 a.m. EDT, January 11,2007

Air China passengers will receive instant text messages in the event of flight delays, one of the measures the company plans to take this year to improve services on delayed flights.

An Air China spokesman said on Wednesday that improving services on disrupted flights had been defined as a key issue in 2007.

Specific measures include using advanced technologies to transmit information on passengers, luggage and flights, so that flight and service information can reach passengers in advance.

According to Air China's surveys of passengers in 2006, a pleasant on-board experience was the primary reason for travelers to choose the company, while flight punctuality is their top concern.

By the end of November 2006, the flight punctuality ratio of Air China was 80.9 percent, up 0.13 percentage points from the same period the previous year.

The spokesman said that if a flight was delayed due to Air China's incompetence, the company would offer affected passengers all possible services including accommodation and ticketing services.

Air China planned to implement a new management control system, refine the requirements on service standards, and adopt incentive schemes. These plans aimed to reduce flight delays and boost satisfaction.

In 2006, the company's passenger turnover was 31.48 million and net profit was 3.34 billion yuan (429 million US Dollars). Its fleet saw a net increase of 31 planes in 2006 to a total of 207.

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