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Delhi airport lands ISO 9001:2000 quality certification
POSTED: 11:38 a.m. EDT, March 1,2007

Delhi International Airport Ltd (Dial) has received an ISO 9001:2000 quality certificate for the International Cargo Terminal of the Indira Gandhi International Airport.

The certificate, awarded by the Lloyds Register, is in recognition of Dial's efforts to improve customer service, quality control and efficiency. Dial was awarded the certificate seven months after taking charge of the airport.

The air cargo terminal covers a site measuring 27 acres for the storage and processing of international air cargo for export, import and transshipment purposes.

The development comes as air cargo traffic volumes grow rapidly in India. Currently, Delhi Airport handles more than 0.4 million tonnes of cargo per annum. This figure is expected to grow to 1.27 million tonnes by 2020 and reach 2.0 million tonnes by 2025.

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Delhi airport expansion gets environment clearance (2007-1-24 11:35:00)

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