Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) is organizing a road show on investment opportunities in the Gujarat maritime sector here on Friday (July 25). Following tremendous response from the trade, registration is now closed.
The event will highlight a plethora of opportunities for investment in varied segments of the vibrant port and maritime sector in the state.
Some of these are maritime cluster; development of new jetties and Greenfield ports; mechanization of ports; bunkering terminals; development of maritime cities/SEZs; vessel repair docks; marine shipbuilding parks; coastal shipping and IWT operations; and maritime education.
Besides GMB officials, including A. K. Rakesh, V-C and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the event will also have presentations by port users in Gujarat and a leading consultancy firm.
The roadshow presents a golden opportunity for potential investors to avail of the growth prospects in the country's most advanced maritime state.
Being Gujarat, one can be assured of the requisite policy backing and infrastructure support from the government and GMB.