Multimodal 2008 Conference Schedule of events


Day 1: 22nd April 2008-Supply Chain Security

13.30 Registration and Coffee

14.00 Introduction from Chair
Andrew Haynes, President of the Freight Transport Association & Logistics Director, Tate & Lyle, UK

14.10 Keynote speech (Speaker to be confirmed)

14:30 Security-A US perspective
Peter Gatti, Director of Policy, National Industrial Transportation League, USA

On 9/11 Peter Gatti found himself grounded in Japan after attending a World Shippers Council meeting.

From that day he has been one of the highest profile individuals working with the US and the World's governments shaping the security regimes in the USA. He will share with us his experiences and conclusions and will reveal some insights into what is planned for the future and when further changes in the way the USA operates its security are likely to happen.

15:00 The European security experience and a view for the future
James Hookham, Managing Director, Policy & Communications, Freight Transport Association, UK

In response to 9/11 Europe found itself under pressure, needing to review the way it traded between its member states and also with its major World partners. In this presentation James will discuss how the current regimes came into place and will share with us insights as to what to expect in the future and when further change is likely.

15:30 Break

15:45 A shipper's view
Filip Beckers, Head of International Freight, Mars Incorporated, Belgium

During and after governments have legislated, it falls upon the freight user and the service providers to continue their operations and drive World trade forward. In this session Filip will share his experiences of how trade indeed continued and what he sees for the future, not just for his company but on behalf of other members of the European Shippers Council.

16:15 The UK Border and Immigration Agency

Sandra Baker, Inspector, HM Government Civil Penalty Central Administration Unit,
Border and Immigration Agency

Increasing globalisation, changing patterns of travel and migration, and international crime and terrorism, all pose challenges for the UK, as they do for all advanced, industrialised countries. In this session Sandra will talk about her work focusing on the civil penalty regime and the prevention of clandestine entry into the UK.

16:45 Q&A and round up

Day 2: 23rd April 2008-Green Logistics

Green Logistics is a four year Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council funded research project into the sustainability of logistics systems and supply chain. The project has been split into a number of modules and during this day the work and the findings of a number of the modules will be presented.

The project relies not just upon academic research but calls on examples and expertise from industry.

In this it has attracted the involvement of some of Europe's leading companies and practitioners who will share with the audience their experiences, findings, case studies and especially examples of best practice.

Each presentation will be shared between leading speakers from the academic world and high level executives actually involved in developing or capturing sustainable, green solutions.

9.00 Registration and coffee

9.20 Chairman's introduction
David Quarmby, Chairman of Transport Research Institute, Napier University, ex-Chairman,

Strategic Rail Authority, formerly Logistics Director and Joint Managing Director, J Sainsbury plc, UK

9.30 Keynote
James Hookham, Managing Director, Policy & Communications, Freight Transport Association, UK

10.10 Overview of the Green Logistics Research Project
Dr Anthony Whiteing, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Transport Studies, University of Leeds, UK

10.30 Carbon Footprinting the Supply Chain
Professor Alan McKinnon, Director of Logistics Research Centre, Heriot-Watt University, UK

Ms. Maja Piecyk, Research Associate, Logistics Research Centre, Heriot-Watt University, UK

Ian Barnes, Sustainable Development Manager, The Boots Company, UK

11.15 Coffee

11.40 Sustainable freight distribution in urban areas
Prof Michael Browne, Exel Professor of Logistics, Transport Studies Group, University of Westminster, UK
Stephen Steele, Head of the Freight Unit, Transport for London, UK

12.20 Reverse logistics in urban areas
Dr. Tom Cherret BSc PhD, Transport Research Group, University of Southampton, UK
Peter Jones, Director, External Relations, BIFFA

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Promoting modal shift
Dr. Allan Woodburn, Senior Lecturer, Transport Studies Group, University of Westminster, UK

Dr Anthony Whiteing, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Transport Studies, University of Leeds, UK

Lord Berkeley, Chairman, Rail Freight Group, UK

14.40 Application of Information and Communication Technology. Vehicle-Routing & Telematics
Prof. Richard Eglese, Professor of Operational Research, Dept of Management Science,
University of Lancaster, UK

Jonathan Burr, Chief Technology Officer, ITIS Holdings, UK

15.20 Coffee

15.40 E-Logistics and the Environment-B2B Environmental Impact of Online Freight Procurement
Prof Mohammed Naim, Logistics Systems Dynamics Group,

Logistics and Operations Management Section, Cardiff Business School, UK

Garry Mansell, President, Trade Extensions, UK

E-Logistics and the Environment-B2C Comparative Environmental Impact of Online and
Conventional Retailing

Dr. Julia Edwards, Research Associate, Logistics Research Centre, Heriot-Watt University, UK

Walter Blackwood, Chairman, Home Delivery Network, UK

17.00 Chairman's concluding remarks

Day 3: 24th April 2008-Collaboration

9:30 Chairman's opening remarks
Steve Agg, Chief Executive, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, UK

9:45 Collaboration in Practice
Peter Surtees, Logistics Director, Kimberly Clark, UK

In this session Peter will share with the audience his experience of successful and not so successful examples of industry collaboration in the supply chain environment. He will examine the reasons for why some projects succeed, whilst others fail and will provide some tips on how to ensure your company can ensure it is ready the next time a collaborative opportunity arises.

10:30 Coffee

10:45 Collaboration in action, the Corus/TDG 4PL case study
Paul Hayes, General Manager, TDG, UK

Paul will present a case study of how between them TDG and Corus engineered a solution that supported the growing logistics needs of Corus. This involved the creation of a brand new business and major changes to the ways of working. The presentation will include examples of the problems that were encountered and how these were overcome and will expand into future plans and the growth of the new business. It will include interventions from executives of both TDG and Corus.

11:45 The European Freight market, a review and a look at the future
Joe Critchley, VP Sales & Business Development, Trade Extensions, UK

Joe will present an overview of the trends seen in the European freight market over recent years.

His presentation will compare modes and costs of transport across member states and will provide delegates with a useful insight into the recent past and what can be expected in the future.

12:30 Q&A and Chairman's closing remarks


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