Air Cargo India 2008 concluded successfully


January 25, 2008, 5 pm local time in Mumbai, Air Cargo India drew to a close..

From January 23-25, the exhibition attracted airlines, airports, freight forwarding companies and software providers from Europe, the Middle East, Southern Asia, Thailand, Singapore and other locations. The theme of the exhibition was "Opportunity of an Emerging Air Cargo Market", and during the event the speakers expressed their opinions towards the opportunities and challenges of the Indian and world air cargo market. They finally reached an agreement that the air cargo market was full of opportunities, and that it requires the cooperation of companies throughout the world to boost its development. liaised with nearly 1,000 companies from different locations around the world, and the representatives there exchanged business cards with the visitors. By introducing the website and recommending reputable freight forwarding member companies, jctrans made the attendees aware of their company, their services and their members.

Air Cargo India is held once every two years, and the next one will be in Mumbai, 2010. By then, the world air cargo market should have develop a lot, and companies from countries around the world will again come together in Mumbai to discuss the best ways of improving the air cargo market.


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