关于:船名 航次 提单号
上诉货物为我司进口货物,发货人 :
1. 赔偿并承担贵司以及贵司雇员因此承担的一切责任和遭受的一切损失;
2. 若贵司或贵司雇员因此被起诉或被提起仲裁,我司将随时提供足够的法律费用及差旅费用;
3. 若贵司财产或银行帐户因此被扣押、羁留或冻结,我司将提供所需的保释金或其他担保以解除或阻止前诉扣押,羁留或冻结并赔偿贵司由此所受一切损失、损害或费用;
4. 本保函适用中国法律并接受中国法院管辖;
5. 本保函自提货之日起两年内有效;
6. 本保函所称“电放”是指发货人已将全套的正本提单递交承运人,承运人指示贵司凭保函将货物交付给收货人。
年 月 日
Letter of Indemnity ( 电放保函 )
Letter of Indemnity ( 电放保函 )
To: Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines
Date: ________________________________
Dear Sir,
With regards to below mentioned cargo:
Vessel Name: _________________________
Voy. No.: _________________________
B/L No.: _________________________
Cntr. No.: _________________________
Loading Port: _________________________
Final Dest.: _________________________
Shipper: ___________________________________
Cnee (Contacting details inclusive, 需注明联系方式):
We here with surrender the full set of OB/L for this cargo with firm
guarantee that the endorsement(s) on the B/L is all continuously valid and you are
kindly requested to release this cargo to a/m cnee. All risks, losses and
liabilities in connection with the releasing or arising thereafter will be borne
by us. Any dispute arising out to maritime arbitration in accordance with
the existing arbitration rules of the commission. The arbitration award shall be
final and binding upon the parties.
Shipper’s signature & stamp