The development will result in changes for UASC's AEX 7/AEC 8 service that French shipping line CMA CGM is to quit, taking with it its only ship, the 12,552-TEU CMA CGM Nevada.
The Nevada is to be replaced in May by two of UASC's 13,100 TEU ships, which are to be withdrawn from the FAL 1/AEC 2 service that it jointly operates with CMA CGM, reports Alphaliner. UASC will leave the AEC 2 service.
The AEX 1, which will be branded AEC 1 by UASC, will be operated by ten 9,500-TEUers, all of which are from CSCL.
The rotation will be altered to drop westbound calls at Dalian and Port Kelang and replace the Antwerp call with Zeebrugge. The revised port rotation for the AEX 1 is: Felixstowe, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Zeebrugge, Port Kelang, Nansha, Qingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo, Yantian, Felixstowe. The first westbound sailing with the new pattern is scheduled to depart from Qingdao on April 28.
As for the AEX 7/AEC 8 service it will be run with 11 vessels from May, of which six 14,074 TEU ships will be provided by CSCL and five 13,100 TEU vessels by UASC.
The rotation will be extended by one week to 11 weeks. The Antwerp call is replaced by one to Zeebrugge in a port swap with the AEX 1, while a westbound call at Port Said is added.
The revised AEX 7/AEC 8 rotation is Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp, Le Havre, Jeddah, Port Kelang, Shekou, Ningbo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Yantian, Port Kelang, Port Said, Rotterdam, according to Shipping Gazette.