Euronav confirms VLCC sale


Euronav has confirmed the sale of one of its oldest VLCCs.

It has offloaded the 305,839-dwt Pacific Lagoon (built 1999) for $54.75m, the shipowner tells investors, confirming reports TradeWinds earlier today.

Brussels-listed Euronav says it will book a $22.1m capital gain on the deal, with the profit set to appear on its balance sheet in the first quarter next year.

¡°This sale is part of the ongoing fleet renewal programme of Euronav and the strategy to maintain a young fleet,¡± a statement said.

Euronav did not reveal the identity of the buyer which brokers have tipped as Grand China Tankers, the tanker arm of rapidly expanding Grand China Logistics.

The Pacific Lagoon is one of seven VLCCs Euronav presently has trading in the spot market.

The vessel is the second 1990s built VLCC sold by Euronav this year.

In August the 298,324-dwt TI Creation (built 1998) fetched $55.5m in a trade which saw Euronav book a loss of $9.9m.

Following the exit of the Pacific Lagoon Euronav is left with only one VLCC built before the turn of the century, the 298,969-dwt Algarve (built 1999).

Source: tradewinds

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