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Ningbo ports break record, handling 700,000 TEU in March, up 44pc
POSTED: 9:10 a.m. EDT, April 16,2007

Statistics from the Ningbo Port Administration Bureau show that its harbour facilities handled 702,000 TEU in March, setting a new monthly record.

In the first quarter of the year, the total volume of containers handled by Ningbo's ports rose 44.3 per cent over the same period a year ago to 2.06 million TEU.

From January through to the end of March, the total volume of cargo passing through these ports surged by 10.25 per cent year on year to reach 78.73 million tons.

The cargo volume in March stood at 26.16 million tons, an increase of 6.89 per cent, Xinhua reports.

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Tacoma handles 4,000 TEU more in 2006 (2007-2-23 12:49:00)

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