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Overseas Shipholding Group settles dumping case with U.S. government
POSTED: 2:41 p.m. EDT, December 21,2006

Overseas Shipholding Group Inc., a large petroleum-shipping firm, has admitted to dumping waste oil from its tankers and falsifying records as part of a 37 million dollar settlement with the U.S. government, The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.

A joint statement signed by the company described OSG employees tampering with equipment meant to measure oil discharges, dumping oil at night to avoid detection, and writing bogus entries in logs the company was required to keep on discharges, said the report.

OSG, based in New York, will pay a criminal fine of 27.8 million dollars and contribute 9.2 million dollars to marine environmental projects.

The company admitted to dumping oil from nine of its tankers between 2001 and 2006, though the total amount of pollution was unclear.

One ship, the M/T Uranus, intentionally dumped about 150,000 gallons of oil-contaminated waste in U.S. waters off the coasts of Maine and Massachusetts, according to the report.

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