Birmingham chamber hosts Sri Lankan delegates looking to grow trade links
Source:thebusinessdesk 2014-2-26 9:34:00
A DELEGATION of six companies from Sri Lanka will be visiting Birmingham Chamber of Commerce next month to identify potential trading partners.
The event, on Wednesday March 5, has been arranged following the end of a 30-year conflict which restricted trade.
Representatives from coir matting-based products, printing and packaging, rubber tyres and horticultural products will be networking at the business showcase breakfast at Chamber House.
The Sri Lanka government has said it plans to transform the country into a strategically important economic centre by developing five strategic hubs; a knowledge hub, a commercial hub, a naval and maritime hub, an aviation hub, and an energy hub, making the most of Sri Lanka's strategic location and resources.
Jonathan Webber, director of international trade at Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce, said: "There are many opportunities for trade and investment between our two countries."
Key sectors for investment in Sri Lanka include infrastructure, utilities and agriculture. The development of maritime and aviation transportation is at the forefront of the government's infrastructure development agenda.
The focus of these developments is to expand the capacity and improve the efficiency of existing ports through modernisation and construction of new ports and airports in strategic locations.
The country's electricity board plans to generate 20% of the power supply from renewable energy sources by 2020 from 6% at present. Investment opportunities are envisaged in the renewable energy sector through wind, dendro, solar and mini hydro power plants.
In agriculture, the government is looking for specialised investment to improve productivity, level of technology innovation, access to international markets, use of quality seeds and planting materials and improve overall value addition.