CER welcomes the newly assigned TRAN Committee and its Chairman
Source:transportweekly 2014-7-10 17:25:00
On 7 July, the European Parliament Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) held its first meeting after the European Parliament elections and elected its Chairman and Vice Chairmen.
The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies is looking forward to a fruitful dialogue with the members of the newly assigned TRAN Committee.
The coordinators of the political groups have also been appointed by the national delegations within each group
and will work, as a first step, on the redistribution of responsibilities in the ongoing legislative dossiers.
CER Executive Director Libor Lochman said: "A warm welcome to the members of the new TRAN Committee! And congratulations to MEP Michael Cramer (Greens/EFA) as newly elected Committee Chairman! There are many issues currently on the agenda which we hope to have a dialogue on in order to reach constructive results."
He added: "Michael Cramer is a transport expert and his seniority in the TRAN committee is recognized by all. He
has always been ready to defend rails environmental performance. At the same time, he has always been a severe judge whenever rail did not deliver the services expected by the European citizens. As a railway man, I am looking forward to working with him: he will certainly be an eminent leader and I am confident that he will do a great job."