IRU/UNOPS Forum highlights road transport’s role in driving economic development
Source:transportweekly 2014-5-4 9:47:00
The IRU Permanent Delegation to the United Nations organised jointly with the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) its first annual spring Forum on "Innovative mechanisms for financing road transport infrastructure in the context of UN Post-2015 Development Agenda".
The Forum highlighted the important role of sustainable road transport and infrastructure for the successful development of global trade and supply chains, and more importantly as key enablers for the global economy and well-being of nations.
Discussions focused on the role of major financial institutions in the development of road infrastructure in the context of the UN Global Post-2015 Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Special attention was also given to innovative financing mechanisms for creating state-of-the-art ancillary road infrastructure with a focus on the IRU Model Highway Initiative (MHI) and needs of countries in special situations, including Least Developed Countries and Landlocked Developing Countries.
Opening the event, IRU President, Janusz Lacny, commented, "The IRU is one of the first organisations to support and contribute to the multilateral dialogue on the Sustainable Development Goals and Post 2015 Agenda. We actively participated in the activities of the Open Working Group, which is now putting together its final report on SDGs. This historical document, which is to be adopted by the next UN General Assembly, will establish a number of specific goals and targets defining the direction of global, social and economic development for the foreseeable future. We hope that the role of sustainable transport and infrastructure, as the main drivers of economic development and integration, will be duly reflected."