Maersk Logistics to help make supply chains "greener"


Maersk Logistics, part of Danish worldwide shipping, energy and manufacturing group A.P. Moller-Maersk, has announced the global launch of a new supply chain "carbon footprint reduction" service.

The SupplyChain CarbonCheck consulting service is specifically designed to help companies cut carbon emissions from their supply chains. "The service is the first of its kind developed by a logistics provider specifically to address global supply chains," claimed Maersk Logistics.

The global head of Maersk Logistics, Henrik Ramskov, said an increasing number of customers were showing interest in their carbon footprint from supply chain related activities and were asking for ways to reduce it.

"Traditionally, efforts for reducing carbon emissions have focused on manufacturing processes and domestic distribution. However, for our customers involved in international sourcing, the global supply chain holds significant potential for reducing carbon emissions; potential that has so far largely gone untapped," he stated.

The global head of supply chain development for Maersk Logistics, Erling Nielsen, said there were additional benefits for customers from conducting a SupplyChain CarbonCheck and putting the findings into practice. "In supply chains, leaner means greener. This is why reduced carbon emissions typically come along with lower overall logistics costs and maintained or even improved service levels," he argued.

The new service will involve Maersk Logistics calculating a customer's current carbon footprint, simulating carbon emissions for alternative supply chain scenarios and then comparing the results with the current footprint.

"This comparison reveals potentials for reducing carbon emissions, which we then evaluate in terms of ease of implementation and cost savings. Finally, we assist the customer in putting the recommendations into practice," stated the company.

Source: transport intelligence

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