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UN Security Council may send mission to Kosovo
POSTED: 11:34 a.m. EDT, April 5,2007

The UN Security Council may send a delegation to Kosovo this month, the council's president said Wednesday.

"I would expect that during the month of April there will be a Security Council mission to Belgrade and to Pristina," Emyr Jones Parry, the British ambassador who holds the Council's rotating presidency in April, told a press briefing in New York.

Details would follow after meetings with other Council members to see "how they'd like to conduct that mission," he added.

Parry also noted that Tuesday's discussion among council members was informative because it demonstrated to the Council "how sensitive this issue is and how carefully Ahtisaari had formulated his proposal."

He also admitted that within the Council there is a natural sense that "we want more information, and we are worried about the dismemberment of a state."

"At the same time many in the Council acknowledge that we've gotten to the point where what Ahtisaari is proposing is the logical and necessary political step and that if this is taken in a carefully managed way, we can end up with stability, rights and reconciliation all furthered between Kosovo and Serbia," he said.

Regarding the next steps, he said it would be necessary to take decisions on the Council mission's leadership and terms of reference.

"What I do not expect is the early tabling of a resolution," he said, pointing out that consultations will have to be held in key capitals first.

The Council held closed-door consultations on Tuesday on a controversial proposal regarding the future status of Kosovo but failed to reach agreement.

Biz China>>
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