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Home > Jctrans.net > News > Business > Biz China
China overtakes Germany as world's biggest electrical producer
POSTED: 11:39 a.m. EDT, January 18,2007

China has overtaken Germany as the world's biggest producer of electrical products, said a report released by one of the key German research institutes on Wednesday.

Preliminary data showed that China's exports in electrical products were valued at 78 billion U.S. dollars, edging aside Germany with 64 billion dollars in export sales, said a report by the Cologne-based Federal Agency of Foreign Economy (BFAI) on Wednesday. The United States ranks the third, it said.

As China's best sellers in the sector remain electrical cells and power tools, the Chinese were seeking to expand sales in electrical equipment for medical purposes, said the report.

The sales of home appliances are also very impressive, it said. In 2005, the sales of home appliances amounted to 13 billion dollars with most of exports to Japan, the United States, and Europe, according to the report.

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