The company said it will help its airline customers comply with the European Union's new ACC3 security rules for incoming cargo and mail that come into force on July 1.
BFS is one of the first ground-handling agents to successfully gain RA3 status after being audited by an accredited EU Aviation Security Validator, a WFS statement said.
BFS/WFS managing director Stewart Sinclair said the company will ensure a fully secured supply chain through its cargo terminal for all shipments to the EU states.
"BFS has been working closely with our customer airlines and industry bodies to establish exactly what the (EU) requirements were for both airlines and ground handlers," he said.
"Even though it is apparent that the onus is on airlines to ensure a secure supply chain, BFS decided that it would be of benefit to our airline customers and to our operation to achieve validation as a Regulated Agent (RA3) at the earliest possible time.
"This ensures our airline customers have the most simplified process to continue carrying cargo from Thailand into Europe," he said.