Maytag Aircraft to branch out through JVs into civilian work


MAYTAG Aircraft Corporation, a long-time defence contractor, is planning to be awarded more civilian work through the establishment of two separate joint ventures that aim to double the Colorado Springs-based firm's annual revenue to US$40 million within five years.

Maytag plans to form joint ventures with California-based New Bedford Panoramex Corp (NBP) and Dubai-based Red Orange LLC.

Maytag's airfield management expertise and background in providing aviation support services to military bases would be combined with NBP's focus on navigation aids and lighting systems at airports. The second JV aims to enable Maytag to leverage Red Orange's history of providing logistics services to government agencies in Afghanistan, Iraq and other war-torn regions, reports the Colorado Spring Gazette.

It said the Maytag-NBP venture plans to bid on a contract to manage the control tower and airfield electronics, operations and maintenance at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, according to comments made by David Nelson, Maytag Aircraft's executive vice president and chief operating officer.

"The potential of these joint ventures is they could eventually be the biggest part of the company, especially with the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) revamping its systems. We will always maintain our historic operations in refuelling and aviation support services to the Department of Defence, and it will always be a contributor to the company," Mr Nelson was quoted as saying.

Source: Schednet

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